Fuzzy Preference Relations-Based AHP for Multi-Criteria Supplier Segmentation

(1) * Heri Nurdiyanto Mail (industrial engineering, faculty of engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
(2) Chairani Fauzi Mail (Master of Technology Management, Institute of Informatics and Business Darmajaya, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia)
(3) Sri Lestari Mail (Master of Technology Management, Institute of Informatics and Business Darmajaya, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Supplier segmentation is a strategic activity for businesses. It involves dividing suppliers into distinct categories and managing them differently. Various supplier typologies based on different dimensions and factors are available in the existing literature. By highlighting two main characteristics the skills and the desire of suppliers to work with a specific company this article integrates many typologies. Almost all of the supplier segmentation criteria stated in the literature are covered by these dimensions. These dimensions can be defined utilizing a multi-criteria decision-making process for each specific case. To account for the inherent ambiguities and uncertainties in human judgment, a fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is suggested as part of the technique. This approach makes use of fuzzy preference relations. A broiler firm uses the suggested process to divide up its suppliers. A categorization of vendors according to two aggregated criteria is the end outcome. Lastly, we offer some suggestions for future research, draw some conclusions, and talk about some techniques to address distinct sectors


Supplier segmentation Supply chain management Fuzzy AHP Fuzzy preference relations




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