The Influence of Organizational Culture, Human Resource Capacity Development, and Empowerment of Human Resources on Affective Commitment and Loyalty, and Its Implications on Employee Performance (A Survey on Employees of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Operational Area 2 Bandung)

(1) * Ading Rahman Sukmara Mail (Doctoral Program in Management Science, Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, Indonesia)
(2) Sidik Priadana Mail (Doctoral Program in Management Science, Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, Indonesia)
(3) Senen Machmud Mail (STIE Pasundan, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, Indonesia)
(4) Eddy Yusuf Mail (Doctoral Program in Management Science, Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, Indonesia)
(5) Azhar Affandi Mail (Doctoral Program in Management Science, Pasundan University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


The successful implemenstation of tasks in the transportation service of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), Operational Area 2 Bandung, depends greatly on the quality of employees who produce high-quality performance, ultimately enhancing company performance. This research aims to understand and examine the influence of Organizational Culture, Human Resource Capacity Development, and Empowerment of Human Resources on Affective Commitment and Loyalty, and their implications for Employee Performance. This study adopts a descriptive and verificative approach, utilizing quantitative research methods with descriptive analysis and verification analysis. The sample for this research consists of 145 employees. The analysis method employed in this study is Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The research findings conclude that there is a significant influence of Organizational Culture, Human Resource Capacity Development, and Empowerment of Human Resources on Affective Commitment, with an influence magnitude of 72.02 percent. Additionally, there is a significant influence of Organizational Culture, Human Resource Capacity Development, and Empowerment of Human Resources on Employee Loyalty, with an influence magnitude of 74.48 percent. Furthermore, there is a significant influence of Affective Commitment and Loyalty on Employee Performance, with an influence magnitude of 82.74 percent. Human Resource Capacity Development, and Empowerment of Human Resources on Employee Loyalty, with an influence magnitude of 74.48 percent. Furthermore, there is a significant influence of Affective Commitment and Loyalty on Employee Performance, with an influence magnitude of 82.74 percent. Human Resource Capacity Development, and Empowerment of Human Resources on Employee Loyalty, with an influence magnitude of 74.48 percent. Furthermore, there is a significant influence of Affective Commitment and Loyalty on Employee Performance, with an influence magnitude of 82.74 percent.


Organizational Culture, Human Resource Development, Empowerment Of Human Resources, Affective Commitment, Loyalty Employee Performance



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10.29099/ijair.v6i1.2.927 Abstract views : 159 | PDF views : 11




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