
Issue Title
Vol 7, No 1.1 (2023) Turnover Intention: Career Development and Compensation Approach, and Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable Abstract  PDF
Sri Harini, Umi Narimawati, Silviana Marwa Hadi, Erni Yuningsih
Vol 8, No 1.1 (2024) Employee Performance As Moderating For Optimizing Training And Work Discipline On Career Development Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Islah Idrus, Muhammad Ikram Idrus, Muhammad Muhammad Ismail
Vol 6, No 1.1 (2022) The Role of e-Leadership, Career Development and Loyalty on Employee Performance Abstract  PDF
Joko Tri Brata, Abdul Nashar, Suyuti HM, La Ode Abdul Manan
Vol 8, No 1.1 (2024) Measuring The Role Of Communication, Career Development, Rewarding In Improving HR Perfomance Abstract  PDF
Siti Zulaika, Firdaus Yuni Dharta, Donny Dharmawan, Dwiatmodjo Budi Setyarto, Roy Setiawan
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